• Many of the WCCUSD forms are presented in PDF format. Free software from Adobe is available by clicking on the image below.

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Foster Youth Services Forms

  • If you know of a Family in Transition (FIT) or Foster Youth in need of services (food, housing navigation, case management, school supplies, etc.), please complete the FIT/Foster Referral form.  These forms are centrally triaged weekly.  Please allow at least one week for follow-up for any referral made and if there is an urgent referral, email Julie Luera in addition to completing the referral form. 
    If you are a Family in Transition or Foster youth, please complete our Housing Questionnaire Form to exercise your right to priority access to District resources and additional support.  The information provided below will help WCCUSD to determine what services you and/or your child may be eligible to receive. This could include additional educational services through Title I, Part A, and/or the federal McKinney-Vento Assistance Act. The information provided on this form will be kept confidential and only shared with the appropriate school district and site staff.

Human Resources Forms

Special Education Forms Library


    Demographic and Performance Data on California’s schools and districts can be found on the California Department of Education Dataquest website:  http://data1.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/ or the California Student Dashboard https://www.caschooldashboard.org/



    Requests for Existing Data

    For data not available on Dataquest or the CA Dashboard, requests may be made to the Data Team in the Technology Department:


    • Internal Data Requests.  Requests can be made to IT HelpDesk at helpdesk.wccusd.net.
    • External Data Requests. For data-only requests from current WCCUSD partners, complete and submit the Data Privacy Agreement + Data Request Checklist.  Depending on the magnitude and complexity of the data request, it may take up to two months to fulfill a data request. If a Data Privacy Agreement has been completed and additional data is being requested, please complete and submit a second Data Request Checklist. Contact James Contreras @ james.contreras@wccusd.net for external data requests.