Contact Us

  • Human Resources
    Location: 1108 Bissell Ave.
    Richmond, CA 94801
    Office: (510) 231-1185
    Benefits: (510) 231-1159
    Workers Compensation: (510) 231-1166
    Dr. Camille Johnson
    Associate Superintendent, HR
    Dr. Sylvia Greenwood
    Director of Human Resources, Certificated
    Denise Steen
    Director of Human Resources, Classified
    link to Nondiscrimination and Uniform Complaint policies and procedures

New Job Opportunities

  • Are you interested in becoming a teacher and earning your credential?  WCCUSD's Teacher Residency Programs are recruiting for the 2025-2026 school year!

    The resident teacher participates in a year-long student teaching, non-paid, experience with a mentor teacher.  Residents receive tuition funding to pay for their credential program in exchange for at least four years of teaching in WCCUSD.  Please click on the links below for more information:

    Click HERE to fill out an Interest Form.

    Interested in exploring a different pathway to become a teacher and don't know where to start?  Join our bi-monthly virtual office hour on the first Tuesday of the month (3-4pm) or the third Friday of the month (10-11am)! 

    Click HERE to view our flyer and fill out our RSVP form HERE to ask specific questions in advance!

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  • Effective July 1, 2014: All applicants will need to apply through Human Resources will no longer accept paper applications. There will be no more announcements printed/routed.  Visit to review and apply for all WCCUSD including classified and certificated.  You will require Adobe Reader to view documents. You can download it by clicking here.