Reclassification means a student who classified as an English Language Learner on the Initial CELDT test becomes Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) as measured by the following criteria: CELDT, Standardized interim assessment, Parent opinion and consultation, Teacher evaluation, Writing/ELD Level (secondary only), and Grade Level Work (secondary only).
Our goal is to ensure all English Language Learners reclassify by 6th grade, obtaining English proficiency in order to be successful in A-to-G classes and college or career graduation. Reclassification is when a child demonstrates language proficiency sufficient to be successful in their academic classes. A high level of English proficiency is necessary to provide access for college and career.
Resources for Parents

Where are we now?
Family Reclass Rates: Hercules 17%, El Cerrito 17%, Pinole 15%, DeAnza 14%, Richmond 10%, and Kennedy 8%.
Top Five Schools: Hanna Ranch 35%, Middle College 33%, Kensington 29%, Stewart 27%, and Collins 25%.Where are we headed?
How do we get there?
Implement Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD) Standards across the District.
Family and Community based organization partnership, awareness, advocacy, and action regarding the classification process.