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    Early Literacy development begins from birth to three years old and is closely linked to a child’s experience with text and oral language. The interactions that young children have with literacy materials and caregivers in their lives are the building blocks for language, reading, and writing development. In WCCUSD, Early Literacy instruction is based on the areas of reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, phonemic awareness and writing in grades Pre-K through 2nd grade.

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    Reading at level by the third grade is the most important predictor of high school graduation and career success. We know early literacy starts well before third grade which is why we want to ensure that every child has the power of literacy and the opportunity for a lifetime of success.

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    Where are we now?

    Current Number of Prek-TK
    students enrolled in WCCUSD Pre K and TK classes is 885
    78% of PreK are ready for Kindergarten level Literacy/Language Development standards.* 
    80% of TK are ready for Kindergarten level Language/Literacy  Development standards.* 

    *Based on our Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) data results, of 941 PreK and TK students enrolled last year

    Where Are We Headed?

    Three Key Strategies:

    1. Building a Stronger Data Culture. 
    2. Focus on instruction through a Workshop Model of Teaching for Differentiation and Equity. 
    3. Focused community partnerships for Early Literacy. 

    Contact Us:

    West Contra Costa Unified School District
    1108 Bissell Ave.
    Richmond, CA 94806
    (510) 231-1100