- West Contra Costa Unified School District
- Reclassification
Reclassification means a student who classified as an English Language Learner on the Initial ELPAC test becomes Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) as measured by the following criteria: ELPAC, Standardized Test Assessment Interim, Parental Consultation, Teacher Evaluation, Writing/ELD Placement Level, and Grades.
Our goal is to ensure all English Language Learners reclassify within 5 years. Prepare students to be 21st century graduates ready to thrive and succeed in college, career, and beyond, we must commit to 5 major principles: English proficiency in order to be successful in A-to-G classes and college or career graduation. Reclassification is when a child demonstrates language proficiency sufficient to be successful in their academic classes. A high level of English proficiency is necessary to provide access for college and career.
Demonstrates base level of competency in English to allow access to core curriculum and exit specific English Language Development classes. Reclassification allows students to access electives and mainstream classes in middle school. It also allows students to access to A-G classes in high school
80% of Third GraderReading at grade level
80% of English Language Learners reclassify within 5 years
80% of African American 6th graders proficient in math
80% of graduates are college & career/industry ready
Contact Us
English Learner Multilingual Achievement Department
1108 Bissell Ave,
Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: (510) 307-4662Esaúl Orozco,
Director of English Learner Multilinugal Achievement (ELMA)
Where are we now?
Family Reclass Rates: Hercules 24%, El Cerrito 15%, Pinole 6%, DeAnza 7%, Richmond 11%, and Kennedy 5%.
Top Five Schools: Hanna Ranch 63%, Kensington 50%, Madera 43%, Olinda 39%, Lupine Hills 31%.Where are we headed?
How do we get there?
West Contra Costa Unified School District is committed to equipping all students, children, and adults with the academic, social, and emotional skills necessary for success. For English Learners, this includes providing a specialized instructional focus that will support them to acquire English, and have access to the full curriculum in a way that makes instruction comprehensible and meaningful.WCCUSD will:- Support the vision for English Learner (EL) students that promotes high levels of student academic achievement.
- Ensure clarity of expectations, and responsibilities for district staff, principals, and teachers.
- Use research-based instructional programs taugt by highly qualified teachers.
- Teach high quality, and rigorous English Language Development (ELD) daily for all EL students.
- Provide Dual Language Immersion programs that result in bilingual and bicultural students.
- Offer comprehensive EL Professional Develoment, and focused instructional support.
- Increase involvement, and collaboration with parents of EL students.
- Measure academic, and language development progress and success of EL students.
- Update the WCCUSD Board of Education bi-annually.
- Disseminate school Reclassification data that is accurate, timely, and actionable.
- Implement Integrated and Designated English Language Development Standards across the district.
- Partner with family and community based organizations, raise awareness, promote advocacy and action regarding the Reclassification process.