• WCCUSD invites you to join our Stege Community Advisory Board!  This Advisory Board will collaborate with WCCUSD to Strengthen and Stabilize and Reimagine Stege Elementary School.  If interested in applying for the Advisory Board, please complete an application and submit no later than 5:00 PM on June 30, 2019. 

    Applications can be found here:  www.wccusd.net/reimaginestege or picked up and submitted at the District office.  WCCUSD’s Stege Steering Committee and Stege site administration will review applications and recommend 15-20 applicants to the WCCUSD Board.  WCCUSD Board will appoint members to the Advisory Board in July. 

    Application English Spanish

    Purpose, Scope of Work and Benefit

    The Stege Advisory Committee is created as a standing committee for the purpose of working with WCCUSD to Strengthen and Stabilize and Reimagine Stege Elementary School. The committee shall limit its activities to advising on matters that directly impact Stege parents and students, and the quality and impact of Stege programs and academics. The Committee shall have no legal responsibilities and is formed to give advice and recommendations to the WCCUSD school board and Stege’s site administration. It cannot compel the board or staff to act on its recommendations or feedback.

    Specific scope of work of the Advisory Committee may include the following:

    • identify fundraising, technical assistance and marketing resources
    • assess the impact of programs, projects and events
    • serve as ad hoc on short-term events such as, the First Day of School
    • serve as an non-political advocate for Stege Elementary School
    • serve as a liaison to the community from the school to keep the community informed and engage it in projects to Strengthen and Stabilize Stege Elementary school
    • provide input and recommendations for Reimagining Stege Elementary school



    Composition: The advisory committee shall consist of least 15 members and no more than 20 members. Members will be selected and appointed by the Board. Committee members will constitute a cross-section of the community, adult and student Stege alumni, Stege staff, and Stege parents.  Members shall serve terms of at least two years.  


    Procedural Rules

    Meetings: The committee will meet Monthly beginning in July, 2019. Written notices of upcoming meetings will be emailed to members at least three days before a meeting. Meeting shall be held at Stege Elementary school or offsite locations.

    Minutes: Minutes of each meeting will be kept. An electronic copy will be emailed to the board and management within two weeks after a meeting.