- West Contra Costa Unified School District
- Immigration Resources
Immigration Resources
Undocumented Students and Families: The Facts
ACSA and Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost, leaders in education law, have created a fact sheet providing answers to key legal questions pertaining to undocumented students that may come up in light of potential changes at the federal level.
Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Guide for Educators and School Support Staff
This guide was created for educators, school support staff and service providers who teach, mentor and help open the doors of opportunity for undocumented youth and unaccompanied and refugee children currently living in the United States. Educators, school support staff and service providers are often the first individuals a student and/or family comes out to as undocumented. Moreover, they are often the first ones to witness the impact of increased enforcement measures on students and their families. It’s critically important that educators, school support staff and service providers know the tools and resources available to help protect and prepare youth and families for an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid.
Immigration/Citizenship Status Anti-Bullying And Harassment
The West Contra Costa Unified School District is committed to providing a safe and welcoming school environment for all students and their families, irrespective of their immigration status. Here is some information regarding Immigration/Citizenship Status Anti-Bullying and Harassment.
Estado de Inmigración/Ciudadanía Contra la Intimidación y el Acoso
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de West Contra Costa se compromete a brindar un ambiente escolar seguro y acogedor para todos los estudiantes y sus familias, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Aquí hay información sobre el estado de inmigración/ciudadanía contra la intimidación y el acoso.
Immigration Citizenship Status Informational Packet_Spanish.pdf 242.99 KB (Last Modified on April 19, 2022) -
Family Preparedness Plan - English
Every family should have a Family Preparedness Plan. While it is our hope that you never have to use your plan, it is a good practice to have one in place to help reduce the stress of the unexpected. This packet will help everyone create a Family Preparedness Plan, regardless of immigration status. However, because of the additional challenges immigrant and mixed status families face, we also have additional advice for immigrants.
Family Preparedness Plan - Spanish
Cada familia debe tener un plan en caso de emergencia. Aunque nuestro deseo es que usted nunca tenga que usar este plan, es buena práctica tener uno a la mano para reducir el estrés de lo inesperado. Este paquete le ayudará a crear un plan familiar sin importar su estatus migratorio. Sin embargo, debido a los retos adicionales que enfrentan las familias inmigrantes y las compuestas de miembros con diferentes estatus migratorios, también tenemos consejos adicionales para los inmigrantes.
Safe Haven Resolution
At its meeting on December 7, 2016, the Board of Education passed a resolution in Support of Students who are Undocumentd, Muslim or Persons of Color and their Families and Protocols for Immigration and Customs Enforcement Access to Schools.
Resolución de Refugio Seguro
En su reunión del 7 de diciembre de 2016, la Mesa Directiva de Educación aprobó una resolución en apoyo a los estudiantes quienes son indocumentados, musulmanes o personas de color y sus familias, además aprobó protocolos relacionados con el acceso de las autoridades de inmigración y aduanas a las escuelas.
Resolution_No_54_1617_Support of Students_Spanish_1.pdf 28.33 KB (Last Modified on January 25, 2018)
Contact Us
West Contra Costa Unified School District
1108 Bissell Avenue
Richmond, CA 94801
Information (Switchboard): (510) 231-1100