- West Contra Costa Unified School District
- Personal Info - copy

Personal Info
Personal Information has both a main page and a sub-screen entitled Employee Profile Information on the main page includes contact, dependent and emergency information. Personal information consists of:
Add/Change/Delete Information
The process to add/change/delete is the same for each type of personal information. One example will be presented.
This information is also available through My Accounts/Employee profiles.
Click the link for the action you want to take. In this example, an Emergency Contact will be added.
A modification screen will be presented. Enter the necessary information and click the Update button.
A confirmation message with a green check mark will appear at the top of the page and the edited data will be displayed.
The information edited under Personal Information updates your Munis Employee Master directly. Any changes entered will become part of your Personnel/Payroll records. An audit record will be generated to identify any changes made.