Physical Fitness Test(PFT)
The physical fitness test (PFT) for students in California schools is the FITNESSGRAM®. The test has six parts that show a level of fitness that offer a degree of defense against diseases that come from inactivity. The six fitness areas include: 1) Aerobic Capacity, 2) Abdominal Strength and Endurance, 3) Upper Body Strength and Endurance, 4) Body Composition, 5) Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility, and 6) Flexibility.
PurposeThe purpose of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity.
Test Details
- Grade Levels Tested: 5, 7, 9
- Content Areas: Six Fitness Areas
Administration Dates
February 1 - May 31
PFT Official Website (external site)
PFT Student/Parent Resources (external site)
Understanding Your Student Score Report (CDE report)