- West Contra Costa Unified School District
- Parent Liaison
Special Education Parent Liaison
Whether your student is in general education, receiving accommodation through Section 504, or receiving special education services though an IEP -
The office of the Parent Liaison is available to anyone seeking information regarding -
educational needs of students in both general education and special education,
accessing services,
family support,
addressing complaints.
Jeanine Bishop
510 307-4669
jbishop@wccusd.netJoin the Specialedcommunity e-tree
for regular district and community updates.
Email requests to jbishop@wccusd.netThe Parent Liaison can connect you with a Resource Parent who can offer support and guidance as you navigate the special education process.
You can contact a Resource Parent by calling (510) 307-4634.
For more information about Resource Parents, visit: WCCUSD Resource Parent ProgramThe Parent Liaison can assist you with your questions regarding these topics and more:
- Access to Disability Awareness Materials and Training
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Community Advisory Committee (CAC) participation and activities
- Community Resources including after school and recreational programs
- Early Intervention Eligibility process
- Individual Education Plan Review and Support
- Individual with Disabilities Education Act ( IDEA) 2004
- Parent Engagement Opportunities
- Parent Information Library
- Person Centered Planning
- Resource Parent Program Referrals
- Section 504 Plans
- Service Eligibility Information including; Supplemental Security Income (SSI),
Regional Center, In Home Support Services, (IHSS),
and information on Conservatorship - School Community Outreach Worker partnership
- Student Discipline
- Transition Services