- West Contra Costa Unified School District
- Budget Committee Home
Budget Committee
About the Budget Committee
The Board Budget Committee is designed to be a safe space dedicated to review, discuss, understand, explore and learn about key budget and fiscal concepts, best practices, and procedures, helping to ensure the district's overall fiscal health.
The goal of the Budget Committee is to:
- Do our part to permanently prevent self-caused shortfalls. Understand and work to implement best budgeting and fiscal practices
- Restore/Build trust in our fiscal practice and policies
- To develop board members that have a deep understanding of the budget and the budget process/cycle
- Understand how to ask good questions about the budget
- To educate internal and external shareholders about the budget and the budget process:
- To understand the macro budgeting environment in which we operate (State of CA) funding, which influences the decisions we make and work to separate the two.
- Budget training - develop a training program for key internal and external stakeholders
- Presentations for the People
- Data
- Visuals
- Dashboards
Meeting Schedule & Zoom Link
Meeting Date: Monthly on the Third Friday *(unless noted)
Time: 3 pm-5 pm
Via Zoom: https://wccusd.zoom.us/j/97639039527
Meeting Dates:
January 22* (Fourth Friday)
March 5March 19
April 16
May 21June 3, How to Understand School Budget for Parents
June 11* (Second Friday) Canceled
July No meeting
December 3
Contact Us
Leslie Reckler
Board Trustee (Trustee Area 5)Member:
Mister Phillips
Board Trustee (Trustee Area 3)Staff Liaison:
Associate Superintendent, Business Services