Interpreter / Translation Services

  • The district is required to provide written translations in languages that are represented
    by 15% or more of the district English learner (EL) population. A school is required to
    provide translations for all languages that are represented at the school by 15% or more
    of the EL students.

    Currently, in our district, the only language that is 15% or more is Spanish. The RAP
    Center has one Bilingual Assessment Registration Technician who can interpret in
    Mien. With enough advance notice given to available interpreters in Tagalog, Punjabi,
    Vietnamese, Mandarin, Arabic, Lao, Khmu, Hindi, Japanese, Urdu, Portuguese can be
    interpreted and translated as well.

    The RAP Center maintains a listing of interested people to translate or interpret in these
    and several other languages. Consult with Chris Pharn for requests for names of
    people to do school translations or interpreting. Interpretation services for the
    languages French and Cantonese are only available from CLI Services (Telephone
    interpreting) for now.


    Please note: For IEP/Special Education related meetings please contact Jorge Gomez.



Contact Us:

  • RAP Center - Registration, Assessment, and Placements

    1108 Bissell Ave, 
    Richmond, CA 94801

    Esaúl Orozco,
    Director of English Learner Multilingual Achievement 


    Team Directory 

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Oral Interpretation

Interpreters (Only)

Written Translation