- Richmond High School
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Assembly Bill (AB) 104 provides options for students and parents/caregivers to address learning recovery needs. Each area of the new law is described below.
Student Retention for 2021-2022
Parents/caregivers of students enrolled in kindergarten through 11th grade during the 2020-21 school year who received deficient grades, which is defined as a D, F, or No Credit grade for at least one-half of the coursework in the last school year, may submit a written request to the school for a meeting to discuss learning recovery options, research regarding retention, and data regarding student progress. The consultation with administration and teacher(s) will occur within 30 calendar days of receiving the written request. The district has the ultimate authority of deciding whether or not to retain a student. Parents/caregivers will be notified of the decision within 10 calendar days of the consultation. Please contact your student's counselor which can be found on your student's Quick Lookup on PowerSchool.
Opportunity to Change Grades to Pass/No Pass
Students who were enrolled in high school during the 2020-21 academic year may apply to have one or more letter grades replaced with a pass or no pass grade. There is not a limit on the number or type of courses eligible for the grade change. Interested students must contact their counselors by August 27, 2021. It is imperative to note that Local Education Agencies are prohibited by Assembly Bill 104 from accepting late applications. Once the application is received, Student & Community Services will notify the student and family of the grade changes within 15 calendar days.
The following is the link to the CDE list of postsecondary institutions that have indicated that they will accept Pass or No Pass grades: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/gs/ps/ab104surveyresults.asp. Other higher educational institutions, including those from other states, may not accept a Pass or No Pass grades. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to continually check the California Department of Education (CDE) website for the most updated list of postsecondary institutions that will accept for admission purposes, a transcript with a Pass or No Pass grade instead of a letter grade before the expiration of the deadline to submit grade change requests.
Graduation Requirements
Students who were enrolled in their 3rd or 4th year of high school during the 2020-21 school year and who are not on track to graduate in four years, will be provided the opportunity to complete the minimum state graduation requirements to graduate. Options can include, but are not limited to, a fifth year of instruction or credit recovery. Please contact your student's counselor using this form for more information.
All deadlines for requests are August 27, 2021.