• July 2024 Update - During the 2023-2024 school year, RHS hosted a WASC visit 6 year cycle. The results included that we have passed with our current action plan and may continue on our 6 year journey. We will continue to improve our student wellness focus, academic improvement around skills, and continuing to build our parent communication. 

    WASC stands for Western Association of Schools and Colleges and is an organization, comprised of educators, who review secondary schools. All High Schools go through this process. Schools plan for over a year for these visits to take place. The visit will include guest educators from across California who will see our school, meet with staff and parents, and most importantly, speak with our students.

    This visit is important for a number of reasons. The first being that our guests will be determining our Richmond High academic progress, and have the ability to approve and continue our accreditation. This is what gives our diplomas value, and is extremely important in maintaining our status. Secondly, it gives the school and it's staff a chance to reflect on our programs and process, and set our goals for the upcoming 6 years. 

    As a parent, if you want to get invovled in helping Richmond High demonstrate it's excellence, please contact the school, and let us know that you want to help.

    If you would like more information, please feel free to reach out. Thank you, and Go Oilers!