• Richmond High believes:

    • Our students are the center of everything we do
    • Safety is a priority, we are a single-entry point school, and all visitors must sign in at the front office
    • Documentation is important in serving our student and family needs
    • Being on time and focused is essential for being successful beyond school
    • Safe and responsible technology use is key for student education (RHS Cell Phone Policy)


    1. First period, students who are more than 30 minutes late must check in and get a tardy slip. A clerk will record the name and issue a classroom pass. A call to inform parents will occur after several tardies. TEACHERS SHOULD ASSIGN THEIR TEACHER CONSEQUENCE REGARDLESS OF THE TARDY SLIP.
    2. Students who arrive during the first 30 minutes are to be admitted to class and receive a consequence.
    3. Students with valid reasons why they are late to school must schedule a parent meeting with an administrator; they will then be given a special laminated pass to show security and the teacher. This will include the time they must be in school!
    4. Teachers should assign consequences for tardies each period. TEACHERS MUST ALLOW TARDY STUDENTS WITHOUT A TARDY SLIP AFTER FIRST PERIOD.
    5. We will ring a warning bell two minutes before students are expected to be seated in class!!! This should allow teachers to set the expectation that students are seated when the final bell rings.
    6. STUDENT’S WHO ARE OUT OF CLASS WITHOUT A PASS FOR ANY REASON WILL BE TAKEN TO ADMINISTRATION. Teachers, do not allow students to leave class without a pass for any reason.
    7. Passes should not be administered the first or last ten minutes of the period.
    8. More than one student should never be issued a pass at the same time.
    9. Students must be wearing their ID to receive a pass