- Richmond High School
- Tardy Policy
School Policies & Procedures
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Richmond High believes:
- Our students are the center of everything we do
- Safety is a priority, we are a single-entry point school, and all visitors must sign in at the front office
- Documentation is important in serving our student and family needs
- Being on time and focused is essential for being successful beyond school
- Safe and responsible technology use is key for student education (RHS Cell Phone Policy)
- First period, students who are more than 30 minutes late must check in and get a tardy slip. A clerk will record the name and issue a classroom pass. A call to inform parents will occur after several tardies. TEACHERS SHOULD ASSIGN THEIR TEACHER CONSEQUENCE REGARDLESS OF THE TARDY SLIP.
- Students who arrive during the first 30 minutes are to be admitted to class and receive a consequence.
- Students with valid reasons why they are late to school must schedule a parent meeting with an administrator; they will then be given a special laminated pass to show security and the teacher. This will include the time they must be in school!
- Teachers should assign consequences for tardies each period. TEACHERS MUST ALLOW TARDY STUDENTS WITHOUT A TARDY SLIP AFTER FIRST PERIOD.
- We will ring a warning bell two minutes before students are expected to be seated in class!!! This should allow teachers to set the expectation that students are seated when the final bell rings.
- STUDENT’S WHO ARE OUT OF CLASS WITHOUT A PASS FOR ANY REASON WILL BE TAKEN TO ADMINISTRATION. Teachers, do not allow students to leave class without a pass for any reason.
- Passes should not be administered the first or last ten minutes of the period.
- More than one student should never be issued a pass at the same time.
- Students must be wearing their ID to receive a pass