- Richmond High School
- Articles/Headlines
PBIS Behavorial Interventions - This website is a sample of appropriate behavioral supports for students exhibiting behavior that could challenge their abilities to be successful in High School. Parents, feel free to check out these resources too!
Discipline at Richmond High School is broken down into two specific matrix. Each one defines the expectations required of students on campus, and is outlined in a manner to make it clear to parents, staff, and students. Administration reserves the right to adjust decisions as we recognize that each case may be different, and each case may change as new evidence or information is made available.
We recognize that discipline and expectations on site are the foundations of social justice. We appreciate parents giving our staff feedback and thoughts on how we administer a fair and equitable system on site.
Richmond High coordiantes with several programs on-site and after school including: Bay Area Peace Keepers, Catholic Charities, Richmond Police Department, Ryse Center, Restorative Justice, and our on-site Health Center. All of these programs have assisted in developing the following matrix that demonstrate the expectations (behavior) and consequences (discipline).