- DeAnza High School
- Lechon, Graciela
- Spanish 1/2 Syllabus
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- Bernido, Fema
- Caton, Kenneth
- Ching, Yuk Shan
- Chow, Ming
- Dela Cruz, Alcid
- Gabelko, David
- Hadjirul, Myrna
- Kiser, William
- Lechon, Graciela
- Miles, Calvin
- Paesch, Ruth
- Raj, Paula
- Sanders, Elizabeth
- Smith, Lawrence
- Soria, Teresa
- Thompson, Staci
- Wengler, Chandra
- White, Christine
- Morgenroth, Hali
- Miller, Danylle
De Anza High School 2011-2012
Español 1 & 2 Profesora: Sra. Graciela Lechón
Class Description
This class meets the California State Standards for Foreign Language. It is designed to teach speaking, reading and writing of Spanish. It is also designed to expand the student's understanding of the culture and experiences of Spanish speaking communities.
Text & Materials
You will be using theRealidades text throughout the year. You must bring your text to class every day. You are also responsible for bringing your own materials: a composition book/or a spiral notebook/or a binder with paper, and a pencil or blue/black ink pen. (Don't make it someone else's issue to make sure you are prepared for class.)
*Remain quiet and attentive during lessons.
*Arrive on time, i.e. you must be seated and ready to work when the final bell rings.
*Merely doing the work does not constitute completion. Your assignments should be neat, legible and include the proper heading.
*If you have an excused absence, your missing assignments will only be accepted within one week of the due date. If you miss a test, you may test at lunch or afterschool the day after your return to school. Make-up work is your responsibility.
*If you have an unexcused absence (truancy), no make-ups will be allowed.
*If you have been suspended, you may contact me via school email to receive your assignment. It will be due immediately on the day you return from suspension.
Non-negotiables & Etiquette
*Be polite and respectful in your manner and language. Respect the integrity of your learning environment.
*No sleeping in class (heads up, please!)
*You may drink water; no other food, beverages, candy (lollipops!)
*ID's must be worn at all times
*Hats are not to be worn or seen; no hoods or scarves.
*Cell phones/IPOD's (etc.) that are seen or heard will be turned into the office whether they are being used or not.
*Take care of your grooming and bathroom needs before you enter the classroom.
Class Work, including quizzes 25%
Participation 25%
Homework 15%
Projects 15%
Exams 20%
I am looking forward to a great learning year. Please see me at lunch or afterschool if you are having difficulties. Successful people ask for help when they don't understand something. My school email : glechon@wccusd.net
Your name & signature____________________________________________
Your phone & email_______________________________________________
Your parent/guardian name & signature_______________________________