- El Cerrito High School
- Alumni Class Information
- Current Reunion Information
Current Reunion Information
Class of 1968:To view our Reunion Details, click on the link below:
https://reuniondb.com/reunion_details/967_ElCerritoHighSchool_68.pdfPeople who went to El Cerrito https://www.facebook.com/groups/2224192800/?ref=bookmarks The 70's https://www.facebook.com/groups/119897442221977/ Class of 1973, 1974 Someone is thinking about it. More information to follow..dialogue in the facebook pages above. Class of 1975
50th Reunion planned for 10/4/2025 Contact Bev Wood at ECHS75reunion@yahoo.com for more information and to sign-up. We need your email contact information for future communications Class of 1961 and 1960 Reunion 9/11/21 for both class of 1961 and 1960. Contact Bea Courtright Davis beacourtrightdavis@yahoo.com or Steve Donaldson at Steve.donaldson1961@gmail.com for information and signup. 1993 Click here for more information
Class of 1971 and 1970 Combo...50 year Reunion
August 17, 2021 ...Update
Class of ’70 and ’71 Alumni,
The Reunion Committee has had many discussions concerning the current Covid situation, and for everyone’s safety, the difficult decision has been made to postpone the reunion scheduled for October 16, 2021, until April 9, 2022.
We have established a new date, April 9, with Golden Gate Fields. In the event ticket price increases, we will grandfather (your cost does not change) your funds.
In order to reduce bookkeeping efforts, we would ask that you hold off on requesting a refund unless absolutely necessary. However, if you would like a refund, please email:
Class of ’70 - Charlene Slemmons echs1970@hotmail.com
Class of ‘71 - Donna Marsicano 71echs50reunion@gmail.com
We are currently renegotiating with The Berkeley DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, in the offering of discounted room rates to accommodate our new date.
Therefore, if you have made a reservation for October 2021, please be sure to cancel your room reservation.
Please know this was not an easy decision to make and foremost in our decision to postpone was your safety. Please be patient and we will continue to communicate updates to you. Thank you for your understanding.
The Reunion Committee
- Charlene Slemmons
- Rick Pyle
- Jennifer (Brown) Gomes
- Donna Marsicano
- Gene Staus
- Janet (Morrison) Damm
- Julius Chiang
Contact : Charlene Slemmons grandmachar2008@hotmail.com Class of 1981 Something is happening https://www.facebook.com/groups/3021936597828867/ Class of 2011 We are thinking about it. Contact Marisol Clemens- mclemens423@gmail.com Class of 1980 reunion Contact Chris Misa-Mackey: bcmackey7@hotmail.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/322426043858/ Class of 1990! update 6/1/20 We have tried to keep our reunion plans for July 2020 on active as long as possible, but given the current state of the world with COVID-19, it is not practical to move forward in good conscious. With greatest of concern for our classmates and families, the reunion committee has decided that we will postpone our 30th Reunion celebration to the summer of 2021. We are hoping that the world will be in a more secure place where large gatherings will not be problematic. On a personal note I was truly looking forward to meeting with everyone and getting to re-connect in person. If anything this time has reminded me how important our connections are and how our time at ECHS helped to shape the kind of people we are today. So we don't lose the momentum of reconnecting I invite everyone to share some of their favorite ECHS photos with a Google Photo Drive we have set up. (See link below) https://photos.app.goo.gl/HpCh5JV1geWjDrFVA After a reasonable amount of time we will put together a slide show that we can enjoy. Stay Strong! Stay Safe! Go Gauchos! All the Best, Larry ************************************************** Class of 1967 Thinking about it, 55th is 1 1/2 years out.......The Committe is meeting....suggestions??
Email me if you would like to join us. ECHS1967@aol.com Roddy Lee https://www.facebook.com/groups/278113378923236/ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ********************************************* Post Reunion Information Class of 1979 Lisa Hughes Brown @ teardropkids6140@gmail.com Class of 1969 ECHS1969Reunion@gmail.com Class of 1959 Contact Barbara Cornish Barichello at 510-724-4988, Lyn Martinez Kelly at 925-937-1437 or Roberta Mendonca at rcmendonca@aol.com Class of 1963 Marc Bautista marcusec63@aol.com Class of 1988 Contact: Mylika Lisa Smith Class of 1978 Luanne Canestro canestro4@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/996298050429897/ Class of 1987 CONTACT: TOSCHA CONROE - ECGAUCHOS1987@GMAIL.COM HTTPS//WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/990845987615102 Class of 1968 Paul Bailey paulbailey524@yahoo.com Rich Runswick mitchwick@aol.com ********************************** Reunion leaders, classmates: If you are planning your reunion or need information about your reunion. Please Contact Roddy Lee: ECArchProject@aol.com ____________________________________________________________