- Hercules Middle School
- Frequently Asked Questions
Colliver, C.
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How do I contact you?
Posted by:Email is the best mode of communication.
Please email me at:
Phone messages may be left at:
(510) 231-1429 ext. 25165
Please allow 48 hours for a response. I often will not respond during the school day as I am busy teaching and do not have access to a computer or phone while I'm with your students.
How do I navigate PowerSchool for PE?
Posted by:Here are a few tips to help you understand my grading and point entry in PowerSchool:
Daily Points - 75% of the total grade - 10 points are awarded per class day.
When looking at your child's report you will see how many points he/she earned for each day. If your child was absent, a MISSING ASSIGNMENT mark should be indicated (yellow box). When students are absent they have 2 options to make up their points - attend FITNESS FRIDAY or complete a written ARTICLE REVIEW assignment (linked under Important Documents).
Classwork & Assignments - 25% of the total grade
A fitness test is usually entered in the grade book in all capital letters. The grades for fitness testing are based on your child's age and gender as of March 15 of the current school year. For example, if your child is 11 currently and turns 12 on December 16, he/she will be graded as a 12-year-old for the entire school year. This is so that the students can practice their fitness tests at the level required to pass the state-mandated fitness testing which occurs in March.
The Mile Run, PACER, Curl-ups, and Push-ups tests will be graded on a 10-point scale. The Trunk Lift and Sit-and-Reach tests are pass or fail tests and will be graded on a 5-point scale (A=Pass, F=Fail, I=Incomplete). The Height, Weight, and BMI results are solely graded on completion of the test (A=Complete, I=Incomplete). An "I" means that the test was Incomplete and will receive 0 points towards the final grade.
Fitness Test Improvement will occur in quarters 2, 3, and 4. During quarter 1 we will only do a base assessment to determine what level your child is currently at. On each child's Individual Fitness Sheet (IFS) there is an area where the child will mark whether each score is his/her best score for the particular test. In PowerSchool, this assignment is listed separately from the test itself and is awarded a 1 for improvement or a 0 for no improvement.
Other Information:
* (an asteric) appears next to the assignment name if the points have been EXCUSED. In this case, the points will not go into the child's grade. You will often see this if a child was absent and completed a make-up assignment or was injured and completed the in-class assignment.
Grades are updated whenever possible but may not be until progress reports and/or report card marking time. If you have questions about your child's grade or performance then please email.
What do I do if my child is absent?
Posted by:In the case of an EXCUSED ABSENCE, a parent note or email including the student’s name, parent/guardian name, reason for absence, and date(s) to be excused must be brought to the teacher upon return to class. The student will have two (2) school days to make-up any assigned work. An alternative assignment (Article Review) will be given to make up for the missed class. It is the STUDENT’s responsibility to get the work from the teacher upon his/her return to class; an Article Review worksheet may be picked up from the silver hanging file outside Ms. Colliver’s office door. The student will need to make arrangements to make-up any missed fitness tests within one (1) week of the absence.
Article Reviews (Make-up Assignments) are an “all-or-none” assignment (partial credit is not awarded).
You may also download the document from this webpage under "Important Documents." The assignment is titled "Excused Absence Make-up."
What happens if my child is injured or ill and cannot participate in PE?
Posted by:If a student is injured or ill and unable to participate in Physical Education, he/she must bring a note from his/her parent or doctor to be excused. It is the STUDENT’s responsibility to get the assignment at the beginning of class.The note is to be given to the teacher immediately upon entering the gym, prior to roll being taken and before the class exits the gym to their designated class area.Notes must include:o Student’s FIRST and LAST NAMEo DATE(S) to be excused and DATE ISSUED
PARENT/GUARDIAN NOTE:o A parent note is good for 1-3 days (must be specified on the note) and then a doctor’s note is required.
o The note is due the day of non-participation (at the beginning of class prior to roll being taken).
DOCTOR’S NOTE:o Student will be excused from dressing and participating in physical activity. An alternative written assignment will be given. It is the STUDENT’s responsibility to get the assignment from the teacher on a daily basis at the beginning of class (prior to roll being taken).
If the student should miss any fitness tests during his/her time of injury or illness, then he/she will need to attend a MAKE-UP MONDAY session to complete their test. MAKE UP MONDAYS are on designated Mondays, after school in the gym. Any of the 3 PE teachers can administer the test, the student records their score, and then are dismissed. A zero (0) will show in the grade book until the test has been completed.
What if my child has asthma?
Posted by:If your child has asthma, please make sure that it is noted on his/her emergency card at the main office. If he/she needs to carry an inhaler, then there is an additional form to be completed at the office. Please see the main office staff for more information on this.
Students are expected to run and participate in vigorous activity on a daily basis. Please make sure that they are prepared with their essential needs - inhaler if he/she has one and extra water.
In the event that a child's asthma is acting up, please contact the teacher and an alternative written assignment will be given for the day.
What is the PE uniform?
Posted by:The Titan Physical Education Uniform is strongly encouraged & may be purchased from the office manager.
- Columbia Blue Titan Physical Education T-shirt ($10.00)
- Black Titan Physical Education Shorts ($10.00)
- Athletic Shoes (must tie and be used only for P.E.)
- Optional Clothing: Titan sweatshirt and Titan sweatpants or Plain Black (no pockets) ($15.00 each)
- If the Titan Physical Education Uniform cannot be purchased, a plain light/Columbia blue, grey, or black t-shirt may be worn. Plain black shorts are also acceptable.
- The Physical Education uniform may not have pockets and any logos or emblems must be less than 4 inches in diameter.
- The student must change out of the clothing that he/she wore to school and must wear a designated PE uniform. (For example, the student cannot wear the grey t-shirt that he/she wore to school that day as his/her PE uniform.)
- Students may not wear clothing inside-out or backwards.
- Sleeveless shirts and/or tank tops are not acceptable.
- All clothing must fit within the school-wide dress code policy.
The student’s name must be clearly written on the front of his/her PE uniform.
What if my child forgot his/her PE uniform?
Posted by:Dressing in the Titan Physical Education Uniform is not part of a student’s grade, it is an EXPECTATION! If a student is not in the appropriate physical education uniform, then he/she will not be allowed to participate for the day; thus, the student will lose his/her participation points. As long as appropriate shoes are worn, he/she may earn his/her warm-up points. If a fitness test is missed it may not be made up and zero (0) will be recorded in the grade book.
How do I know if my child dressed for PE or not?
Posted by:In PowerSchool if you go to the attendance screen, a "Z" should be marked for your child's physical education class if he/she was NOT dressed in the proper PE uniform. However, please note that a tardy would override a non-suit. You should also receive an auto-dialer call stating that your child was not dressed for PE. This year, I will also be attempting to stamp the student's planner stating that the student was not dressed for PE.
How much time is my child given to change for PE?
Posted by:The students are alloted 5 minutes at the beginning of the period to change and 5 minutes at the end of the period to change prior to the dismissal bell to their next class.
What does a typical class look like?
Posted by:A typical class period is 50 minutes in length.
5 minutes - Changing into the PE uniform
2-3 minutes - Attendance & Announcements
10-15 minutes - Warm-up (Aerobic-type running, agility running/movement patterns, a stretching routine, and muscular strength and endurance activities)
15-20 minutes - Instruction and activity participation
3-5 minutes - Put equipment away & closing comments/announcements
5 minutes - Changing out of the PE unifom
What happens when it rains?
Posted by:This year up to three PE classes will concurrently run and we have one gym. On rainy days, all of the classes will be in the gym and generally participate in a structured activity together. There may be occasions where we will do "classroom" type activities and/or one PE class may use the library or other area for written assignments.