
    Law Academy Overview

    Students learn about law that is practical and relevant to their lives.  They also gain valuable skills, such as persuasive speaking and writing, critical thinking,  and problem-solving.  Law and Democracy is a dual enrollment course in which students have the potential to earn 3.0 credit units for college from Contra Costa Community College.  Enrollment is free and all instruction takes place at De Anza during the student’s regular law period.  The units may be applied to UC and CSU schools.  Students participate in mock trial, meet with legal professionals in the community for mentoring, attend study trips, and serve in paid internships.  

    Sequence of Law Academy Courses:

    Introduction to Law: For Sophomores -  Focuses on civil law and some criminal law. 

    Law and Justice: For Juniors - Focuses on criminal law.

    Constitutional Law Adv. and Law & Democrac: For Seniors  -  Focuses on Constitutional Law and Social Justice issues. 


    Academy Lead: Kathy Trempy

    Faculty: K. Trempy, L. Nunez, D. Mejia, C. Cardenas, O. DeVance, K. Anderson


Contact Us

  • Academy Lead:  Kathy Trempy

    Email: kathy.trempy@wccusd.net