About the Program
The Dance Program strives to create well-rounded dancers, as equal emphasis is placed on technique, culture, and creativity. Students learn jazz and modern dance techniques and a variety of world dance forms such as African, Brazilian, Hawai'ian, and Tahitian. All classes focus on creative exploration and dance composition as students improvise with the elements of dance and collaborate in small groups to create dances. All dance courses fulfill the “F” and “G” requirements and can also count for PE credit, so you may take a dance class instead of regular PE!Courses Offered
- Jazz Dance 1 - for students with little or no dance experience
- Jazz Dance 2 - for students with some dance experience (prerequisite - Jazz Dance 1 or equivalent dance experience)
- Dance Production – a course focused on choreography and performance for advanced students (by audition or teacher recommendation only)
Avilee Goodwin
avilee.goodwin@wccusd.netDe Anza Dance Program LINK