




  • De Anza High School Graduation 

    June 1st & 2nd 2020


    Graduation Information Video: Spanish

    Graduation Information Video: Portuguese

    Graduation Inforamtion Video: English

    General Information

    • This is a drive-through graduation. Students and family members will NOT be able to walk through the graduation route. Everyone must travel in a car. 
    • One car per grad (3 or less family members per vehicle).
    • Please write your full name and academy in bold black writing on a full sheet of white paper and place it on your windshield. (81/2” X 11” binder or copy paper is perfect).
    • Every person in the car must have on a face mask that fully covers nose & mouth  
    • Everyone must remain in their car the entire time. Only grads may exit the car to walk across the stage. 
    • Cars must stay 12 feet or more away from each other.
    • While waiting to enter the graduation area (with stage), grad will need to fill out a card from Grad Images (professional photographer). This card will be handed to the photographer before walking the stage. Bring a pen to do this. 
    • Grads may only take off their masks during the professional photography session. 
    • For the safety of our staff, please do not approach staff members at any time to shake hands or hug.
    • After walking across stage grads will return to their cars and proceed to exit.
    • If you do not have access to a car, please contact our School Community Outreach Workers (SCOWs) so we can make special arrangements. 

    leticia.mendoza@wccusd.net   or     tyree.reed@wccusd.net

    • Graduates must arrive at the East Gate during their scheduled times. Students taking makeup AP exams (and others with special circumstances) should contact Assistant Principal Jordan to receive a different time slot. 


    • Grads who have paid for, but not picked up, their caps and gowns, may get them from the front office. Call the office in advance so someone can have your items ready when you arrive. 

    Office hours: Tues., Wed., and Thurs. between 9-2:30. Office Phone: (510) 231-1440


    Graduation Route and Details

    1 Enter East Gate

    (Gate directly below student parking lot)

    • Security will greet and check each car for:
    • paper with grad’s name on windshield
    • correct appointment time
    • 3 (or fewer) family members in the car
    • everyone is wearing a mask that covers nose and mouth

    Only cars that meet these requirements will be allowed to enter the interior of the school campus through the East Gate.

    Student Parking Lot

    Staff will direct your car along this route:

    • Up to the Student Parking Lot and down driveway by the Baseball Field
    • Stay in the car at all times. Anyone who leaves car will be escorted off of the campus 
    • Remain 12 feet from other cars 
    • Staff will hand each grad a card from Grad Images (professional photographer) that must be filled out before reaching the next gate. Grads will hand this card to the photographer before walking the stage

    Inside Gate

    (Gate separating driveway to stadium area with picnic tables)

    • Wait in line for the inside gate to open
    • One car will be admitted into graduation area at a time
    • Please be patient. We promise to do our best to let each graduate have their special moment while keeping the line moving :)

    Graduation Area

    (Stadium area in front of the gates to football field)

    • A  stage will be set up outside in the stadium area
    • 1 car at a time will be directed to drive up area in front of the stage
    • ONLY the grad may leave the car
    • Grad walks up to stage, picks up diploma (cover) - wearing a mask
    • Grad then poses for a professional photo - mask may be removed
    • Grad then gets back into car and exits graduation area
    • Grad must remember to not approach any staff member for a hug or handshake. Know we are sending you our love and excitement through our eyes and hearts

    West Gate 

    (Gate between ROTC Building and creek)

    • Teachers and staff will line the driveway along the soccer field to wave and cheer our grads. Remember to not get out of your car at any time to shake hands or hug (even your most favorite teacher). 
    • Staff will direct cars out through the West Gate. 
    • Cars must exit campus. Please do not park in the front of the school or on neighboring streets


    Scheduled Graduation Times 


    Monday, June 1, 2020 



    Learning Community


    Time Frame

    Special Programs

    2:00 - 2:20

    Health Academy Students 

    Last Names A-G 

    2:20 - 2:40

    Health Academy Students 

    Last Names H-L

    2:40-  3:00

    Health Academy Students Last Names M-R

    3:00 - 3:20

    Health Academy Students Last Names S-Z

    3:20 - 3:40

    Special Programs

    3:40 - 4:00


    Tuesday, June 2, 2020 



    Learning Community


    Time Frame


    9:00 - 9:20

    Law Academy Students 

    Last Names A-K 

    9:20 - 9:40

    Law Academy Students 

    Last Names L-R

    9:40 - 10:00

    Law Academy Students 

    Last Names S-Z

    10:00 - 10:20

    ITA Academy Students 

    Last Names A-N

    10:20 - 10:40

    ITA Academy Students 

    Last Names O-Z

    10:40 - 11:00