• Hercules High School Library

    Teacher Librarian Ms. Heichel (hi-kel)


    Titan Expectations*:

    1. Be prepared. Wear your ID and scan it when you enter the library at lunch.

    2. Be respectful. Use positive language with staff and peers.

    3. Be responsible. Before entering the library, finish food and drinks outside.

    4. Be safe. Enter and leave the library quietly @ LUNCH or with a PASS!

    *Expectations are not limited to the examples above. 


    Visit the library during  lunch time  AFTER EATING FOOD.

    Students can read, study, do small group activities, or relax quietly. 

    Readers’ Advisory is always available! 

    • Need advice on fiction or nonfiction reading options?

            Talk to the teacher librarian about your interests to get awesome suggestions. 


    Teachers request class  visits with the librarian for:

    •  Library Orientation
    •  Introduction to Destiny Discover, the school library catalog found in CLEVER.
    •  Genre Sampling 
    •  Introduction to Research Apps in CLEVER.
    •  And more!


    Check out the  Hercules High School's Virtual Library!


    Library Google Classrooms (LGC) 2023-2024: 

    Join today, if you have not already! Learn about the author of the week, the Britannica research app, and  other library activities! Email paula.heichel@wccusd.net or call (510) 231-1429 ext. 25134 for questions or to be added to the appropriate LGC.


    Freshmen https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE3MjQ5NDI2NjQx?cjc=h4vuv2w

    Class Code: h4vuv2w

    Sophmores https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE5MDg2NDU2MDUy?cjc=upoiiqp

    Class Code: upoiiqp

    Juniors https://classroom.google.com/c/NTIzNjIwMTQ1MTEz?cjc=7jdxzzn

    Class Code: 7jdxzzn

    Seniors https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE5MDg3NTA3MTM3?cjc=t2lxw44

    Class Code: t2lxw44


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