• College Exploration and Pathways


    At DeJean Middle School, we support academic success and college/career preparation. Please read and explore the resources below.


    There are various pathways to college and career options after high school:

    • 2 Year Community College
      • Earn a 2-year associate degree or transfer to a 4-year college
    • 4 Year University
      • Earn a 4-year bachelor degree and/or continue to pursue a graduate degree
    • Technical/Vocational School
      • Receive training and education to prepare you to work in a specific career or trade
    • Work
    • Military


    California State University (CSU)

    CSU csu2


    University of California (UC)

    uc uc2


    Independent Colleges and Universities



    California Community Colleges




    Contra Costa Community College (CCC)





    HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities)


    HBCUPages (A list of historically Black colleges and universities)


    Vocational/Technical School


    Out of state or international education opportunities


    Financial Aid to Pay for College

    How can I afford college?

    There are many financial aid opportunities including:

    • FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
      • This is a free application that high school seniors and college students must complete in order to qualify to receive money to pay for college.
    • Work Study
      • Work a part-time job either on or off campus to help you to pay for college
    • Grants
      • Money that you do not have to pay back
    • Loans
      • Money that is given to you for you to use for college. You pay it back when you are able to, after finishing college.
    • Scholarships
      • Awarded based on your academic, other achievement or background

    What are some ways to help prepare me for college while I am in middle school?

    Maintain healthy study and classroom habits

    Perform your best academically (keep up your grades)

    Talk to your school counselors and teachers

    Participate in school activities (clubs, electives, sports, etc.) or volunteer to complete community service

    Attend my middle school classes. Being on time to all classes daily, helps to prepare you for academic success now and moving forward.


    Useful links and resources

    • Take a college tour! Would you like to explore college campuses and find out what student life and activities are like? Take a virtual tour online! E Campus Tours
    • Take a look at an early college-planning checklist 

      College Planning: 9th/10th Grade

    • View a step-by-step college planning guide for parents
    • Parent Guide


    Are you interested in exploring sports? Check out information from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

    NCAA Youth Programs

    NCAA Eligibility Center Info


    Visual and Performing Arts

    Visual and Performing Arts Degree Guide

    List of Visual and Performing Arts Schools


    Career Exploration and Pathways


    Try the Interest Profiler, to learn how your interests relate to careers and pay.



    What kind of student are you?

    Answer questions about your study and classroom habits to find out more!


    Then, use this helpful worksheet to help match your skills to careers.

    Which careers match your skills?


    What is your learning style? Find out how you learn best.



    Search and learn about careers. Visit O*NET, which is The Occupational Information Network.

    Find occupations at https://www.onetonline.org/find/