• The support staff at DeJean is a vital part of the school running smoothly. You can reach out to any of these individuals for support. They are always happy to help and provide resources. 
    El personal de apoyo de DeJean es una parte vital para el buen funcionamiento de la escuela. Puede comunicarse con cualquiera de estas personas para obtener ayuda. Siempre estarán felices de ayudar y proporcionar recursos.
    Position Name Email
    Office Manager Ms. Laurie Mangle laurie.mangle@wccusd.net
    Typist Clerk Ms. Brittany Ward brittany.ward@wccusd.net 
    Attendance Clerk Ms. Marisol Castillo marisol.castillo@wccusd.net
    Custodian Supervisor  Mr. Joseph Branchcomb j.branchcomb@wccusd.net
    Campus Security Officer Supervisor  Ms. Cassandra Jackson  cassandra.jackson@wccusd.net 
    Librarian Ms. Amy Marymor amy.marymor@wcusd.net
    School Psychologist    Ms. Shannon Matthiesen shannon.davis@wccusd.net 
    School Counselor  Mr. Glenn Whisler glenn.whisler@wccusd.net
    Student and Family Specialist Ms. Diana Sanchez Diana.sanchez-anaya@wccusd.net
    Full Service Community Schools Coordinator Mr. Tshilumba Kabongo tshilumba.kabongo@wccusd.net
    Food Services Manager Ms. Tracy Hollins cafeldms@wccusd.net