- Madera Elementary School
- Kindergarten & Incoming Families
Welcome New Madera Families
This year our kindergarten informational meeting will be on January 11 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. The Principal and the Kindergarten teachers will provide information about the registration process and the kindergarten academic program and answer questions.
Registration for kindergarten opens January 16 at 9:00 a.m.
Before school starts in August, there will be a Kindergarten Orientation for both parents and children. When the date is set for the Kindergarten Orientation it will be reflected on the school calendar.
Also, join the Madera email list and look for Jump Start event updates, which is an annual event that will help you to:
- Complete your emergency forms
- Join the PTA & Madera Elementary Foundation
- Get to know our community support groups
- Sign up to volunteer
- Contribute to Annual Giving
- Engage in some Madera trivia
- Learn who your child’s teacher will be
Information about the registration process can be found on the West Contra Costa Unified School District website.
Enrollment Requirements
Kindergarten FAQs
Have a lot of questions about what the school day will be like for your kindergartener? You’re not alone. We have put together this collection of questions and answers for your use.
Where can I get information about the kindergarten registration process?
Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten enrollment in the West Contra Costa Unified School District typically begins in January.
How do I receive the most up-to-date information about Madera?
The best way to stay informed of Madera events is to subscribe to the Madera Newsletter. The PTA sends out regular updates on upcoming events and important school-related information.
When do I receive official notification of my child’s placement?
The school will notify you sometime during the summer if there is no room for your child at Madera, and you’ll be informed of your child’s alternate school placement. Otherwise, please assume your child has been placed at Madera.
Is there an orientation to help my kindergarten student get ready for school?
There will be a Kindergarten Orientation held in August. Your child will have an opportunity to see the classrooms and schoolyard and meet some of the teachers, as well as the Principal and other school personnel.
How can I get in touch with other kindergarten parents?
Every year, there is a “Get to Know” summer play-date organized by other Madera parents specifically for incoming families.When the dates and times are confirmed they will be reflected on the Madera Calendar.
How do drop-off and pick-up work?
Your child’s teacher will let you know before the first day of school how their drop-off & pick-up system works.
How do “minimum days” work for kindergartners?
Shortened (minimum) days only pertain to grades 1-6. The kindergarten day always remains on the same schedule.
How do I enroll my child in childcare before or after school?
The City of El Cerrito Recreation Department runs before and after-care programs onsite at Madera, and also offers additional after-school enrichment programs.
Contact recreation staff for detailed information about scheduling, billing, and other details. You can find more information here: http://ca-elcerrito.civicplus.com/index.aspx?NID=144
El Cerrito Recreation Center:7007 Moeser Lane, El Cerrito, CA 94530,
P: (510) 559-7000,
Community Center Hours: http://ca-elcerrito.civicplus.com/index.aspx?NID=799
How does my kindergartener get to/from the childcare program?
The childcare program is held at the Madera Clubhouse, which is the building on the Southeast corner of campus. At the end of class, your child’s teacher will line up kids based on where they are going after school (home or aftercare), and after-care staff will meet them and escort them to the Clubhouse. If you enroll your child in the after-school program later in the year, be sure to let your teacher know so that your child is guided to the correct area.
Can parents stay with their child for a while at the beginning of class?
Parents are generally allowed into the classroom (especially early in the year) to get their kids settled, but typically you should expect to drop your child off and leave so that the teacher can develop a relationship and dynamic with the children in their class. Every teacher is different in how they handle separation anxieties (both kids’ and parents’), so it’s best for parents to let the teacher lead the way on this.
How do I get my child to school?
Families can drive, carpool, walk, or use AC Transit (#7 drops off at Arlington & Madera Circle). Most kindergarten parents drive to the school, park, and walk their kids to the upper yard, but you can also drop your child off at the front or back entrances if you feel they are mature enough to walk themselves to class. Kindergarten classes start and end at different times from Grades 1-6, so parking is usually not too difficult. Do not park in the yellow zones in front and back of the school; these areas are for quick drop-off & pick-up only. Also, these areas are often very congested, so use caution if dropping your child off. Please be mindful of how you drive in our school zone; slow down and be attentive.
When do the Kindergarteners eat lunch?
Kindergarten students eat lunch at 11:30 a.m. Snack and a hot lunch are provided free of charge to all Madera students, but you are welcome to pack a lunch if you prefer. Be aware that there are some nut-free classrooms, so please do not pack any nuts if one of your child’s classmates has a nut allergy.
Where do we turn in Health Assessment forms?
Bring your child’s medical and dental forms (provided in WCCUSD registration process) to the Madera front office at the beginning of the school year (or sooner if possible), in person, or by mail to 8500 Madera Drive, El Cerrito, CA 94530.
What should I do if my child has a medical condition that requires special attention?
If your child has a medical condition that may require attention while at school, please inform the school. You will need to provide appropriate documentation for the administration of medication if your child requires any medication while at school. All of the relevant forms can be found on the WCCUSD (West Contra Costa Unified School District) District Nurse's Office homepage, The District Nurse’s Office is open during the summer. Please contact them at (510) 307-4646 if you have any questions or concerns.
How do I get information about classroom and school events?
Madera PTA emails a newsletter every Monday during the school year to keep parents informed of all upcoming school events and important information.
Additionally, your child will be given a “Friday folder” at the beginning of the year, which is sent home every Friday with homework and anything else that needs to be conveyed to parents. Teachers will send letters to parents via this folder, and sometimes the PTA, Madera Elementary Foundation (MEF), or other school committees will send messages this way, as well. Your child should return the folder to class every Monday.
Generally, a parent will volunteer to be the Room Representative for each teacher/classroom. Most classes start a class Shutterfly account, which is administered by the Room Rep, to facilitate easy communication of class-specific information.
Where can I find the school calendar?
For planning purposes, please see the district's 2024-2025 Academic Calendar.
For information specific to Madera, please see the Madera Calendar.
What types of school supplies do children need?
Madera’s MEF funding efforts ensure that the lower grades, including kindergarten, are fully stocked for classroom work from day one. If there is anything else needed, your child’s teacher will let you know. You should provide your child with a bag or backpack that is large enough to hold his/her take-home blue folder and snack/lunch bag.
Does Madera have a dress code?
Madera is not a uniform school. For safety reasons, shoes are required to be close-toed. Shirts should cover the midriff area. T-shirts should not have inappropriate words or images, including depictions of weaponry or violence.
Is there a district parent handbook?
The 2023-2024 Parent Student Handbook is available now; next year's edition wil be published during the summer.
Keep in mind that the handbook is generalized for use by all district schools. School-specific usage and implementation is determined by each school site.
I’d like to help out in the classroom. Are there volunteering opportunities?
There are many ways you can help out in the classroom or in the school. Many teachers rely on parents to organize parties, gather supplies, help supervise field trips, and help in the classroom. You can sign up to volunteer in the classroom through your child’s teacher.
To volunteer in the classroom or on field trips (or in any capacity that involves contact with the children) you must get a volunteer badge. You can find more information here: https://www.wccusd.net/domain/93
You do not need a volunteer badge to participate with the PTA or Madera Elementary Foundation (MEF) Foundation. Madera is extremely fortunate to have a very active PTA and fundraising Foundation. Both of these organizations rely entirely on parent volunteers to facilitate school-wide activities, events and programs. We strongly encourage new parents to get involved! If you don’t feel you have time to volunteer on a regular basis, pick one or two events per year to contribute to in some way.
To contact the Madera Elementary School office: (510) 231-1412