• Madera After School Enrichment Program (MASEP)

    The City of El Cerrito works in partnership with the Madera Elementary School PTA and parent volunteers to offer a variety of classes after the school day has ended. Classes are held in three sessions per year and include sports, performing arts, visual arts, language, music, and science. Classes take place conveniently onsite at Madera.


    MASEP Registration

    Registration is accepted online and at the El Cerrito Community Center office (7007 Moeser Lane). Information can also be found at http://el-cerrito.org/435/School-Year-Youth-Programs 

    After School Enrichment Classes begins in September, and include favorites like Fun Environmental Science, Improv, Keyboard, and Drama Club. There are also new classes being offered including Pickleball (an up and coming racket sport), Quantum Physics for Kids (elements, energy, and electricity made fun!), and Art Explorers (mixed media art lead by a Teaching Artist from MOCHA and the Junior Center for Art & Science).


    Contact the El Cerrito Recreation Department at recreation@ci.el-cerrito.ca.us or (510) 559-7000.


    For questions about MASEP contact:

    El Cerrito Recreation Department

    7007 Moeser Lane

    El Cerrito, CA 94530

    Ph: (510) 559-7000



    Interested in becoming a MASEP teacher?

    Complete the MASEP Availability/Course Proposal Form.


    Do you want to help improve MASEP?

    Join the MASEP Parents’ Group, an informal working group of parents working collaboratively with the Recreation Department to enhance MASEP.

    Email: masepclasses@gmail.com or tmelton@ci.el-cerrito.ca.us