- Sylvester Greenwood Academy
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August 17 2020
Because of the remote classroom's unprecedented change to the learning environment, we have created a list of remote classroom etiquettes that our students are expected to follow to create the best learning environment possible.
- Appropriate school-compliant clothing should be worn at all times.
- Students should mute their microphone if there is background noise audible to the classroom, including eating.
- Log-in with your name. Nicknames and emojis are not allowed.
- When you are in a conference, you should be sitting on a chair at a comfortable table or desk. Do not lie in bed.
- Grooming habits are the same in remote classrooms as in physical classrooms.
- No one is allowed to have other non-class devices (games, game controllers) active or visible.
- No distracting or inappropriate background in Zoom or Google Meeting (not other students' /faculty pictures, etc.).
- No one should talk on the phone while in a remote classroom.
- Use proper language and be respectful to the teacher and your classmates