The Uniform Complaint Procedures (“UCP”) apply to complaints alleging a violation of applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs.  The UCP shall be used to investigate and resolve allegations made by a student, or a student’s duly authorized representative, involving unlawful discrimination, intimidation, or bullying based on a protected characteristic.

      The UCP also shall be used for allegations of a violation of specific federal and state programs that use categorical funds, such as Adult Education, Career Technical Education, Child Care and Development.  A full list of complaints covered by the UCP can be found under BP 1312.3.  

      UCP complaints can be filed by completing the Complaint Form (English) (Spanish) and returning it to: 

      Jose Espinoza
      Director, Office of Educational Equity|Title IX Coordinator
      West Contra Costa Unified School District
      1108 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801
      Phone: (510) 231-1118
      Email: jespinoza2@wccusd.net 

      More information about the UCP process is available from the California Department of Education https://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cp/uc/.

      Uniform Complaint Procedures (BP 1312.3)
      English   |   Spanish

      Uniform Complaint Procedures (AR 1312.3)
      English   |   Spanish

      Uniform Complaint Forms

      English   |   Spanish

Uniform Complaint Procedures

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