- DeJean Middle School
- School Site Council
At Lovonya DeJean Middle School there are currently 3 openings for parents/community representatives on the 2021-2022 School Site Council, term starting on October 2021 ending in October 2023. Please vote only once for each person you wish to support. You may vote for a maximum of 3 people.
Please click on the link below to access the ballot.
Lovonya DeJean Middle School is currently looking for parent candidates who are interested in becoming members for our School Site Council (SSC). Our election window is currently open. If you are interested, please click on the link below.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact Maria Chavez at (510) 231-1430 ext. 25018 or email at maria.chavez@wccusd.net.
School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of the school principal and a group of people, selected by their peers, representing all segments of the school community for the common goal of supporting student success. The SSC does this by developing and monitoring the implementation of the school’s plan known as the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
The SSC members are the principal; teacher representatives; other staff representatives; parents/other community representatives, and student representatives at the secondary level with each group selected by their peers.
Congratulations to all our newly elected SSC members!
School Site Council