

    We receive a high volume of applications for a small number of available spaces. Part of the selection process is to determine your ability to follow directions.
    Failure to follow the directions on the application EXACTLY as they are given will result in your application not being considered.
    All students interested in applying to Middle College High School must complete the MCHS Application for Admission 2025-2026. Only online applications will be accepted. Paper applications or documentation will NOT be accepted.
    • You must be a WCCUSD resident
    • You must have an exceptional attendance record (less than 70 periods/10 days/2 weeks, and few tardies)
    • You must have an exemplary behavior record
    Please follow the steps below for completing the online application. Read all the steps before beginning the application.
    1. Email your current English teacher, current Math teacher, and your counselor, asking them to complete their recommendation form. You will need to provide them with the corresponding link below and ask them to submit their recommendation BEFORE the March 31st deadline. You can also direct them to our website to click on the section to the left: Links to Letters of Recommendation.
      • English Teacher Recommendation link:    https://forms.gle/bXvrTZGHzVsmzWAX9 
      • Math Teacher Recommendation link:       https://forms.gle/dsxxuYSmBNNJu28t7
      • Counselor Recommendation link:             https://forms.gle/2eE1MrxVdycKZ4wZ9
        • The counselor will be asked to upload your current grades, attendance and behavior records, along with test scores, and other relevant information.
        • *If there is no counselor at your school, the Principal, Vice Principal, or Principal Designee may complete this form.
    2. Read the instructions on the application thoroughly. If you are having trouble viewing and/or printing the admission information or essay attachment found within the application itself, you can download them using the link to the left of this page entitled "Application Attachments".
    3. Use the checklist on page 3 to help ensure you have everything you need.
    4. For the student essay on page 6, you will need to print the essay page and complete the essay in your own handwriting. You will need to upload your completed essay on page 9. Ask a counselor, teacher, or parent for help printing and uploading if needed.
    5. Answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability.
    6. When uploading the requested documents, the following formats will be accepted: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, txt, rtf, html, zip, mp3, wma, mpg, flv, avi, jpg, jpeg, png, gif. Ask a counselor, teacher, or parent for help uploading. If you are unable to upload the requested documents, you can email them to us at admission.mchs@wccusd.net.
    7. A photo of the applicant is appreciated. If you do not have a camera to take an instant photo, click the Take Photo button and you will be given the option to upload a saved photo from your files.
    8. If your teachers or counselor refuse to submit a recommendation, please include their email address so that we may reach out. It happens and is not a reflection on you if they refuse. However, if we reach out to them, and they say you never requested it, you will be automatically declined. Honesty and integrity are important traits for a Middle College student.
    9. Click here for the application: MCHS 2025-2026 Application for Admission.

    Please note the documentation you will need. Your school may have some of this information on file if you do not.

    • Birth Certificate/Passport — formal documentation showing student's legal name (photocopy is acceptable)
    • Immunization Record — must show complete up-to-date immunizations, including TDap.
    • COVID-19 vaccination card — optional, but recommended
    • Proof of 2 Years of Enrollment in California Schools*- verification that the student has been enrolled in California schools for the last 2 years must be attached. Acceptable documentation can be: a report card, transcript (unofficial is okay), or letter from school official. If you have taken college classes, you can upload a copy of your unofficial transcript here. 
    • Proof of WCCUSD Residency — verification that the student resides in the WCCUSD area must be attached. Submit (with current address visible) a copy of a current utility bill (PG&E, EBMUD, Richmond Sanitary, etc.) dated within the last 45 days in the parent's name, or a lease/rental agreement in the parent's name stating that utilities are included in the rent. If the student resides with another family, or the family is unable to provide proof of residence, please contact the district Transfer Office for assistance.
    • Parent Identification (Photocopy of Parent's State Issued CA Driver's License or State ID) — this is required to show intent to reside in California in order to be coded as a resident by the college, and to avoid non-resident fees. If you are unable to provide this, please include a note with your application explaining your situation.
    * If your counselor is providing your transcript with their recommendation form, and you have been at your current school for 2 years, you do not need to upload your transcript. If you have been in CA for less than 2 years, please let us know on your application.
    Completed applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm on March 31st. Late submissions will not be accepted, as the application submission window will be disabled at 12 am April 1st.
    DO NOT submit applications via email, in person, or by fax.  They will NOT be accepted.
    We will NOT accept late or incomplete applications.


    Initial Review:

    Your application will be processed and checked for completeness, and that you meet the residency, attendance, and disciplinary requirements. Applications that pass this Initial Review will move on to the Panel Review. Those that do not pass the Initial Review will be coded as non-accepted. We will not contact you to provide missing information. It is your responsibility to submit a COMPLETE application.

    Panel Review:

    A panel of MCHS instructors and CCC professors will review each application to determine students who they feel will benefit the most from the MCHS/CCC program. All applicants that pass the Panel Review will move on to the Final Review.
    Final Review:
    Our panel will determine which applicants will be accepted into the program, as we can only accept a limited number of incoming students.  In the event an applicant declines their acceptance, a non-acceptance from this review may be contacted for admittance.


    Students selected to attend MCHS will receive an email at the address(es) provided on page 4 of the application. You will be required to formally accept the offer of admission, and complete additional paperwork, including CCC registration, etc. The instructions in the acceptance letter must be followed exactly. Failure to complete the final steps outlined in the acceptance letter, by the deadline stated in the email, will result in your space being offered to another student.
    Students who are not selected to attend MCHS will receive an email of non-acceptance at the address(es) provided on page 4 of the application. Your information will remain on file with MCHS for one year. In the event of additional space opening up due to non-acceptance of an offer, start-of-year no shows, or early drops, you may be contacted. 


    Please note when applying, that all student applications are read thoroughly and that decisions made by the panel are FINAL. We receive approximately 300-400 applications each year, for approximately 70-80 spaces. We are held to the number of applicants we can take each year by the Contra Costa Community College Board. While we would love to be able to take everyone, we are limited in the number of students we can admit.
    If your student does not get accepted to MCHS, they are always welcome to apply to CCC on a concurrent enrollment contract on their own and take courses outside of their regular school hours. Information regarding concurrent enrollment will be included in the non-accept letter and on the Contra Costa College website at www.contracosta.edu. You will also be welcome to re-apply for the following school year.


     Click here for the MCHS 2025-2026 Application for Admission.