District Highlights 2020-22
August 14 Return to School: Welcome Back School Begins Monday, Aug. 17
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! It has been quite the summer for us, and this school year begins Monday, Aug. 17 like no other year. Thanks to students, families, teachers, school principals, staff, and community partners, we begin the year with a community-driven virtual/distancing learning plan.
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July 20: Return To School Framework Submitted to Contra Costa County Office of Education
I hope that you are having a safe and restful summer. Today, as promised, we submitted the Back to School Vision & Framework to the Contra Costa County Office of Education. As we shared on July 9, the 2020-21 school year will begin in a distance learning format when instruction resumes on Monday, August 17.
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July 9 Return To School Town Hall Reminder
Today, as promised, I am releasing our framework for returning to school this fall. I hope that everyone can appreciate that school will not look the same when full-time instruction resumes on August 17.
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July 2 Closure Update: Return 2 School Task Force Updates
A District task force of students, families, teachers, principals and District staff are working at a furious pace to create a plan of what school will look like for the 2020-221 school year. We will share a draft plan at a Town Hall meeting on Friday, July 10.
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Public Hearing: Special Education Local Plan/Annual Service & Budget Plan
WCCUSD will host a public hearing at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, June 24 via Zoom about its Special Education Local Plan/Annual Service and Budget Plan as required by by AB 602.
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June 5 Closure Update: Last Day of School of an Unprecedented Year
Today is the last day of school and in most years, I could simply talk about graduations and the wonderful celebrations taking place. This year is different. The COVID-19 pandemic and civil protests have altered and changed society, education, and our communities.
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May 29 Closure Update: The Work to Develop What the 2020-2021 School Year Will Look, Graduations in Full Swing
We have started the process of working through various scenarios for the start of school. Whether we return to our classrooms in the fall, distance learning continues or some hybrid of the two, there are a lot of challenges that must be addressed and we will need your help in finding solutions.
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May 22 Closure Update: Commencement Season, planning for multiple options for the 2020-21 school year; virtual school
Despite uncertainty, we know that students will need to learn and that we will need to offer services to support them and their families. We have several teams working together to create multiple plans for how instruction might look next year.
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May 19 District Closure Update: New county guidance allows car-based graduations; locker, classroom clear out process out this week
On Friday, Contra Costa Health Services released new guidance that allows for car-based gatherings, which includes graduations. We are extremely relieved to finally have clear guidance that will allow the Class of 2020 to be acknowledged in person. Our high schools will hold car-based ceremonies for the Class of 2020 that comply with the new county guidelines.
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Celebrating Classified School Employee Week
Today, marks the first day of Classified School Employee Week where we honor and highlight the work of people from the teams that greet the community in the front office, take care of students on the playground, in the cafeteria and in the classroom, make sure students are safe and ensure schools are cleaned and well stocked.
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May 15 Closure Update: End of year procedures, sobering state budget news
The Governor released his May Revision this week and we may have to reduce $26 million or more for the 2020-21 school year.
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May 12 Closure Update: Class of 2020 Virtual Graduation, Distance Learning Workshops
Everyone has been affected by the shelter-in-place orders due to the COVID-19 public health emergency in some way, but one of the most impacted groups are the seniors in the Class of 2020.
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May 8 Closure Update: Temporary grading policy approved; close to a decision about Class of 2020 celebration
First, I would like to wish all of the mothers a Happy Mothers Day and Día de las Madres. Even though a normal celebration may not be possible due to the stay-at-home orders, I hope that you all find a time to celebrate the mothers in your life.
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Celebrating National School Nurse Day with District with Kanon Lee
Kanon Lee knew as a teenager he was destined for a job in healthcare. Both his parents work in the field, including his dad who is a pharmacist. In high school, Kanon originally wanted to be an athletic trainer. Seven years later, Lee is one of 11 District nurses.
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Time to celebrate WCCUSD's school nurses
Happy National School Nurse Day, and thank you to the District nurses team for everything it does for students and families.
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May 5 Closure Update: Community Conversation with Superintendent Duffy; Distance Learning Workshops
Join us Thursday, May 7, for a Community Conversation with Superintendent Matthew Duffy via Zoom at 5 p.m. English and Spanish Distance Learning Workshops are Wednesday at 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m., respectively.
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It's School Nutrition Employee Week
As we kick off School Nutrition Employee Week, let’s celebrate the individuals that prepare, deliver, and serve thousands of meals each day to students throughout the community. Now more than ever do we appreciate the Food Services team.
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Recognizing WCCUSD's teachers and educators during this special week
Today marks the start of Teacher Appreciation Week, and now more than ever do we appreciate what WCCUSD’s teachers and educators mean to students, families and communities. Let's be sure to show WCCUSD teachers and educators our virtual appreciation this week.
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Let's Celebrate School Principals Day
WCCUSD’s school leaders have done a remarkable job holding their communities together through this COVID-19 pandemic. It has been seven long weeks since Principals have had the opportunity to share a physical space with their school communities. Yet through this crisis, school closures and distance learning, WCCUSD’s leaders have pushed hard to keep their communities together.
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What Are You Reading?: Library Services Team Encourages You to Show Us
WCCUSD community we've shown you what we're reading and now it's your turn. The Libraries Services team started the #ShelterinReading as a fun way to highlight literacy. Show us what you got, tag us and use #WCCUSDREADS.
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