- Lupine Hills Elementary School
- Contact Information
Welcome to Lupine Hills!
Lupine Hills Elementary School
1919 Lupine Rd., Hercules, CA 94547
School Office: Phone (510) 231-1411 Fax: (510) 799-1587
School Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Poppy Sheldon, Principal, psheldon@wccusd.net
Alejandra "Alex" Cruz, Office Secretary,
Carolyn Brown, Attendance, cbrown2@wccusd.net
School Website: https://www.wccusd.net/lupinehills
Home of the Wolves
The Basics: School Protocols and Procedures
In order to maximize every minute of education and socio-emotional growth for the students of Lupine Hills, we have developed the following practices to enhance the learning process and environment. Please review the following with your students and their families:
All students are required to wear school uniforms for the 2022-23 school year.
Attendance Matters! Our goal is 97%
Good teachers and the best curriculum are of little consequence if students do not attend school on a regular basis. Time lost from the classroom is essentially irretrievable; the experiences, discussions and the uniqueness of the classroom learning process require school attendance. Establishing good attendance habits early will better equip young people toward being productive members of society. Classroom attendance is considered to be an integral part of the student's successful course of study.
The Stroll
When students arrive at Lupine Hills in the morning, we encourage each one to begin walking the stroll. The Stroll simply means walking the perimeter of the playground.
Did you know that exercise before work/school can create up to 19% more focus upon entering a classroom?
Students need more exercise: Obesity prevalence is 13.9% among 2- to 5-year-olds, 18.4% among 6- to 11-year-olds, and 20.6% among 12- to 19-year-olds.
Dismissal Protocols
TKs wait in front of their classroom.
K teachers walk students to the Multi-Purpose Room and await parents.
All first-fifth grade General Ed teachers walk students to the back gate where Anna, our staff patrol, will be present.
Sped Ed teachers walk students to bus/parents through the gate by the TK room.
All parents must wait in the front of school.
Students are not allowed on the playground while school is in session.
You CANNOT leave your car in an undesignated parking area.
Pick Up Students On Time
Students need to be picked up immediately following dismissal. Please make sure arrangements have been made should you find yourself running late for any reason.
Thank you all for taking the time to read through our basic procedures and protocols. You can find all the detailed information relating to these and many more topics in our handbook.
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