- Stewart Elementary School
- Sra. Reyes - DLI 1
Teacher Websites
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- Ms. Olivero - Kinder
- Sra. Martin-Singh - DLI Kinder
- Ms. Collura / Ms. Figula - 1
- Sra. Reyes - DLI 1
- Ms. Rodgers - 2
- Mrs. Wynne - 3
- Sra. Ortega - DLI 3
- Ms. Ishida - 4
- Mr. Baker DLI-4
- Ms. Hoopaugh - 5
- Sr. Maldonado - DLI 5
- Mrs. Mitchell 5/6
- Mr. Berenguer - 6/7
- Ms. Faber - 7
- Ms. Kauble - 7/8
- Mr. Osunde-8

Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Reyes
Welcome 1st graders!
Find resources, assignments instructions and answers to frequently asked questions below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can parents contact you?
Use ClassDojo or email. I will respond the same day between 9am-4pm.
Q: Where are lessons and assignments posted for students? For parent
On Monday, I post weekly lessons and assignments for language arts, math, science and social studies in Google Classroom.
Students have additional learning time on apps found in the Clever portal. Students should be working a minimum of 40 minutes daily.
Q: When are assignments due?
Daily assignments are due by 5pm. I provide daily student feedback on their work.
Q: What are the ways that assignments can be turned in?
Send a picture via Seesaw or email.
Q: What does distance learning look like for a first grader?
During our 11:30am daily Zoom, I lead shared readings, discuss stories, and teach vocabulary. Student assignments follow the most important concepts from these sessions. I also review daily homework when needed. Students make oral presentations and have opportunities to ask questions and comment on each others’ work.
Students say hello and talk to each other as we wait for everyone to join the Zoom lesson. Once I begin instruction, the expectation is that students focus is the academic lesson.
Q: How can I know what kind of progress my student is making in online apps?
Reading: Istation and Epic!
Math: XtraMath, prodigy Happy Numbers
These provide daily, weekly and monthly reports showing the amount of time spent and progress made or areas of support needed. I share this data with families and schedule a parent/teacher conference when concerns arise.
Q: Can I attend or “sit in” my student’s live class?
Parents are always welcome to join the class.
Q: Do students get credit for participation?
Absolutely. Participation is the best way for me to know if a student understands the material or needs support. Some students can express better orally than completing work on paper.
Q: Is participation required / graded?
Participation is required but not graded. Students should be ready to respond when called on during the Zoom session. The goal is for students to demonstrate progress toward mastery of grade level standards.
Special Dates
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