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May 5 Closure Update: Community Conversation with Superintendent Duffy; Distance Learning Workshops
May 5, 2020
Dear WCCUSD Families,
Governor Gavin Newsom recently made interesting suggestions regarding an earlier start to the next school year and our county health officials have relaxed some of the shetler-in-pace order, allowing activity that had been banned.
This is exciting and positive news, However, these announcements do not change our current status. School buildings and facilities, including athletic fields, remain closed. When we are able to reopen them safely, we will do so while following the guidelines from Contra Costa County public health officials. At this time, schools are slated to reopen in August, as scheduled. If anything changes, we will be sure to inform the community as soon as possible.
We also want you to be aware that there are two meetings this week that may be of significant interest to you. First, tomorrow is the weekly Distance Learning Workshop via Zoom. English starts at 1 p.m., Spanish follows at 2:30 p.m. To join visit https://zoom.us/j/93649474406 or by phone at 669-900-6833 and then enter the code: 936 4947 4406.
On Thursday, May 7, we will have a Community Conversation with Superintendent Matthew Duffy via Zoom at 5 p.m. To join, visit https://zoom.us/j/96152846268 or by phone at 669-900-6833 and then enter code 961 5284 6268. Superintendent Duffy and key members of his team will update you on the status of Distance Learning and school closures and answer questions from the public.
If you have any questions or need support during the school closures, please contact us at questions@wccusd.net or by calling (510) 956-4444 or (510) 956-4443.
Thank you