- Transition Program
- Employee Recruitment
WorkAbility I & TPP
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Expect, Employ, Empower
WorkAbility 1/TPP are programs to assist high school youth gain employment experience while they are attending school. In addition to our high school students, we also assist graduates who have college and vocational training.
Our Purpose is to give students & graduates the opportunity to apply classroom lessons to the real world of work. You can help by providing: employment, guest speakers, internships and job shadowing opportunities!We offer employment counseling and workshops to our students on such topics as job search strategies, work ethics, career counseling and employer expectations. We Provide employers with qualified, capable, and work ready job seekers.Why Recruit through us? We Offer:- Pre-screened referrals
- Employees available immediately
- No expensive want ads or email fees
- Motivated referrals
- Post-employment follow-up
- ADA information
- Work Opportunity Tax credits
- Meet EEOC requirements
- Access to community resources
We are an excellent resource for posting positions, keeping up with current ADA information, and networking with other professionals in the Bay Area.For more information or to post a job announcement please contact: Employment Specialist, Cindy Giacalone at (510) 815-3016/ cgiacalone@wccusd.net