• Welcome, and hello again, Families of Room 1 Kindergarten class!

    I hope you all had a wonderful, safe, and happy Spring Break!
    Our students will now be able to continue our remote learning adventure!
    Though it's not ideal that we cannot return to the physical classroom this school year, statistics unquestionably show that we are all much safer and healthier, because of these early school-closure and shelter-in-place decisions. 
    In our remote-learning Room 1 adventure, "Lexia Core 5", "IXL Math", and "Epic!" programs will continue, as they have been, to be very important building blocks, for the remaining 39 school days of our '19-'20 school year.
    Additionally, I am in the process of setting up two more important platforms for your student's educational needs: 'Seesaw", a virtual classroom; and "Google Meets" for classroom gatherings. I will update you as soon as these applications are available to your student.
    Please let me know, by email, what day of the week and time of day, Monday through Friday, would work best for you and your student to have online classroom meetings in Google Meets. Also let me know of any questions or concerns you have.
    The following are my updated classroom assignments, for your student, beginning today, 4/13/2020:
    1. If your student has not already completed the paper packet, please have her/him do so.
    2. Please increase your student's "Lexia Core 5" time to 40 minutes per day.
    3. Please increase your student's "IXL Math" time to 40 minutes per day.
    4. Reading Workshop--student reads independently 10 minutes per day. 
    (Please see the "F&P" tab on "Epic!" for books at your student's reading level.) 
    5. Please continue to read to, or with, your student, for an additional 10 minutes per day (or night). 
    6. Student continues writing each day (draws a picture of an idea and writes words and sentences about the idea). Please increase this writing time to 20 minutes per day. (Save all writing, please.)
    7. Remember, after every 20 minutes of a learning activity, your student should take a 20 minute activity break.
    Please continue to treat yourselves with compassion, and remember to take your family's unique, daily, living situation into account, when scheduling student home-learning activities.
    I will soon be contacting each of you, concerning your own individual student's progress. 
    Continue to stay well and safe!
    Ms. Jones






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