- Washington Elementary School
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About Washington Elementary
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Welcome to Washington Elementary School
Washington Elementary is an award-winning 2016 Gold Ribbon School located in Point Richmond, California. We are the oldest Dual Language Immersion English-Spanish elementary school in the West Contra Costa Unified School District, serving kindergarten through sixth grade students. Currently, Washington Elementary offers a Traditional, English only program, for students in fifth grade and up. The school is in transition to become a full DLI site by the 2023-2024 school year.Our Dual Language Immersion program is based on a 90/10 model. In this model, at each grade level the percentage of English used increases by 10% until an equal combination is reached by fourth grade and continues until 6th grade. The goal is for all students to achieve literacy in both Spanish and English and academic proficiency.
Emphasis on Spanish instruction in the early grades allows English speakers ample exposure to the target language - Spanish. Spanish speakers have the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and build a strong base in their first language, enabling them to be more successful as they begin to acquire English, and later as they transfer skills into English.In addition to offering Dual Language Immersion, Washington students have enriching opportunities through our highly touted K-3 music program, Music and the Brain, offered weekly.We also offer an after school program that provides homework support and enrichment activities until 6 p.m. Washington also has an Art program through the Richmond Art Center, a Reading Intervention program, and an Outdoor Garden program.