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The El Cerrito Branch of the NAACP Offers Scholarships to Graduating High School Seniors

The El Cerrito Branch of the NAACP has extended its 2018/2019 Scholarship program deadline to Wednesday, May 1. The Branch has offered scholarships to WCCUSD graduating seniors of El Cerrito, John F. Kennedy, and Richmond High Schools for over 20 years. This year all high schools in WCCUSD with eligible graduating seniors can apply.

Since May, 2014 we have awarded $19,000 in scholarships to twenty students, through eighteen $1,000 and two $500 scholarships. This year all scholarship awards will be $1,000 and will not distinguish between community college or university enrollment.

The applications are due by Wednesday, May 1 and can either be dropped office in the main office of your high school or mailed by the deadline of to the EC NAACP P.O. Box listed on the application form. Certificates will be presented to the winner by Scholarship Committee members and our Branch President, Ms. Cora J. Ward, at their schools Senior Awards Nights in late May and early June.

For more information, please contact EC Branch Scholarship Committee Chair, Dr. Melanie Spears, email or phone (510) 620-4551.

Applications are available here, and more information is available here.