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OAASA Newsletter

January 2022


April 4 - 8th Spring Break
April 19th AASAT Meeting


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Seeking Black/African American teachers for the WCCUSD

Black and Hispanic students are suspended at disproportionately high rates compared to their peers, a phenomenon that starts as early as preschool. But assigning them to a teacher of the same race can lessen the likelihood of suspension, a recent study finds.

The findings add to a growing body of evidence that teachers of color have positive effects on both the academic and social-emotional success of students, and particularly students of color.

The research in the working paper from scholars at George Washington University and the University of California, Berkeley, was published this fall. It suggests that teachers of color may have classroom management techniques or pedagogical practices that help them build more-productive relationships with students of color without resorting to suspensions. White teachers may also have unconscious biases that lead them to judge the behavior of students of color more harshly than they do white students.

The study reiterates the importance of diversifying the teacher workforce and learning from the teachers of color who are already in the profession, especially with student behavior infractions on the rise this school year.

After all, the conversation around teacher diversity “isn’t just about changing the faces of the people who are in front of our children. It’s also about bringing in diverse experiences ... [and] different renditions of how to do teaching,” said José Vilson, the founder of the grassroots group EduColor and a former New York City math teacher who was not involved in the study.

Prior research has found that Black students are less likely to be suspended, expelled, or placed in detention by Black teachers. But this new study is among the first to examine whether these effects can be generalized to large, urban school districts or to Latinx or Asian American students and teachers. One in 5 male Latino students is suspended before he enters high school.

Learn More

African American Students of Honors Celebration 2022

The African American Students of Honor program is continuing this year despite the challenges students, families, and staff are continuing to deal with regarding our ongoing health crisis.  The African American Student of Honors Committee has been working on this year's celebration and would like to share with you the following information:

All elementary (K-6) students that are identified as being African American in Powerschool will be acknowledged for demonstrating outstanding attendance, STAR test scores (above grade level), academic performance/improvement, and progress towards IEP goals.

Middle and High School eligibility is determined by calculating the unweighted GPA of students.  Those students with an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher will be included in this year's celebration.

The plan is to hold the celebration on May 19, 2022, at Contra Costa College.  It will be held outdoors to comply with local, state, and district health requirements.


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Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.


Apply for CBCF's HBCU Scholarship by April 30, 2022

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF) invites your institution to participate in a partnership to ensure educational opportunities, maximize retention, and increase graduation rates for Black students through its HBCU Social Justice Scholarships under its National Racial Equity Initiative for Social Justice portfolio. (NREI)

The HBCU Social Justice Scholarships will be disbursed on an annual basis to undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral level students pursuing studies related to social justice including, but are not limited to, criminal justice, education, civil rights, or community/economic development. Scholarships are one-time allotments. The HBCU Social Justice Scholarship is accepting applications until April 30, 2022.

In addition, CBCF offers four intern programs, five fellowship opportunities, and funding for 10 scholarships under its Leadership Institute. 

For more information, contact

The College Place Workshops- March topics  – always free!

Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday's
4:30-5:00 pm –
Tue 3/1 CA Community college – degrees, certificates, and resources
Wed 3/2 CA State University (CSU) –  Campus Resources
Thu 3/3 University of California (UC) Campus Resources
Tue 3/8 Student loans: types, deferment, grace period, repayment plans
Wed 3/9 Scholarships - types, where to find them, organization
Thu 3/10 Paying for college – types of financial aid and how to apply
Tue 3/15 Options after high school - here are a few
Wed 3/16 Career preparation – exploring majors
Thu 3/17 Starting your college search

Students who are new to The College Place can complete this short survey -  to participate in the workshops. All services and resources remain FREE!!

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