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February 2021 Issue


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View the Black History Month Calendar for events happening in the WCCUSD Community.


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Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950)– The Father of African-American History Month
(Dec.19, 1875-April 3, 1950)


Carter G. Woodson was the son of former slaves. Coming from a large poor family, Carter could not regularly attend school. By age 17, through self-instruction, he was able to master the fundamentals of common school subjects. At the age of 20, Woodson entered high school where he received his diploma in less than two years. He began teaching in Fayette County, and later became the Principal of his own alma mater.

Woodson received his bachelor’s degree from Berea College in Kentucky. From 1903 to 1907, he was a school supervisor in the Philippines. He attended the University of Chicago where he received his master’s in 1908, and in 1912 he received his Ph.D. in history from Harvard University.

In 1915, Woodson and Jesse E. Moorland co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH). The organization was the platform that launched Woodson’s mission to raise awareness and recognize the importance of Black History. He believed that publishing scientific history about the African-American race would produce facts that would prove to the world that Africa and its people had played a crucial role in the development of civilization. Thus, he established a scholarly journal, The Journal of Negro History, a year after he formed the ASNLH.

Seeing the need to spread the news about African-American history to the general public and scholars, Woodson and the ASNLH pioneered the celebration of “Negro History Week” in 1926, which has been extended to the entire month of February.


Check Out the Black History Month Calendar

We are pleased to provide information on a variety of events for Black/African American students and families throughout the month of February for Black History. Please check back to this document for updates throughout the month.

The calendar serves as a resource of events for the WCCUSD community. School sites will be conducting events during the school day for their students and immediate community. All events on the community calendar will begin at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted. We hope you will join the sessions. 

Click Here to Find Black History Month Events in the WCCUSD Community


African American Mentor Textbooks 

Our District's English Language Arts(ELA) department is working to bring more culturally relevant books that compliment the district’s elementary reading and writing curriculum. The department wants to have teachers help in picking out African American read aloud books that will go well with units of study for reading and writing. The department is also looking for parents to provide feedback on these books.

If you are a teacher or parent interested in helping out with picking out mentor text please fill out the interest form:



Join the West County Freedom School for Black Students

We are excited to announce this opportunity for our K-5th grade Black students. The West County Freedom School is a free, six-week summer literacy and cultural enrichment program to be held Monday, June 15-Friday, July 23, 2021, either virtually or on-site at King Elementary School. The program, sponsored by Easter Hill United Methodist Church, will utilize the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom School model and curriculum. All classes will be small groups of ten students or less. Preference will be given to students in the Kennedy family of schools and those receiving free and reduced lunch. Students will receive two nutritious meals and a snack daily, as well as a book each week to keep and help build their home libraries. [Learn More]


  • Students must have completed grades K-5th by June 2021
  • Parents must commit to attending weekly, virtual parent meetings
  • Families must commit to providing transportation to and from the in-person program site
  • Students will be chosen based on school of attendance,  date of application, as well as class openings. 

Questions? Please contact us at

For more information about CDF's Freedom Schools: 

Link to application:


Congresswoman Buffy Wicks Recognizes Rev. Andre Shumake  



Mr. Andre Shumake, School Community Outreach Worker (SCOW) for the Office of African American Student Achievement was recently recognized by California Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks for his outstanding contribution to students and families in the District and community.

“I am honored to receive this California State Assembly Resolution for my work with the school district and the community. Thank you Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks and her staff for this honor!” Andre Shumake

Mr. Shumake has been an asset to our community and our department. He is instrumental in helping us contact families, making connections in the community, and more. We are truly appreciative of his positivity and good nature. This is an award well deserved.


Dual Language Immersion for Black Students


WCCUSD has 12 Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs. These programs focus on language proficiency in English and the partnering language, cross cultural competence, and academic achievement based on grade level standards in English and partner language. 

These programs are kindergarten through sixth grade and are open to all to enroll in. 

Why DLI?

  • Language learning is natural for young children.

  • Learning more than one language strengthens development of thinking skills.

  • Language learning prepares students to participate in a global, diverse, and multilingual world.

What are the benefits?:

  • Promotes critical and creative thinking

  • Increase job opportunities in many careers

  • Additive Bilingualism - Students gain a new language and maintain their native language.

There are two different DLI programs: two way and developmental. 

Schools that offer two way DLi:

Korematsu 7-8        Washington K-6

Downer K-6             West County Mandarin K-6 

Stewart K-8

Schools that offer developmental DLI:

Chavez K-6            Grant K-6

Coronado K-6       Lake K-6

Dover K-6              Lincoln K-6

Ford K-6


Being bilingual opens new worlds to our children!



Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship Opportunity for High School Seniors



The Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will release its 2021 scholarship application on February 5, 2021 for high school seniors who live or attend school in Contra Costa County. 

The application will be available on the sorority’s website and must be submitted no later than April 15, 2021 by mail or email. High school seniors who apply must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, have performed community service, be a United States citizen, complete the CCAC scholarship application. They must also provide an official transcript from their high school with two letters of recommendation. Selected seniors will be awarded up to $2,000 for college tuition or expenses when proof of college enrollment is provided. 

To apply please visit For questions email

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