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English Learners support at Olinda!
Hello Olinda Multilingual Families,
We hope you all are enjoying the summer break. I had the pleasure of meeting with our English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) representative, Pallavi Talwar recently, to review our 2022-2023 School Plan for Student Achievement in particular to discuss the site goal and action steps as they pertain to your English Learner student. Pallavi provided some valuable insight and parent perspective around the goal and how we as a community can better support our EL student's achievements with the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). The ELAC meeting discussion included providing our EL families ongoing communication about the ELPAC and student's progress, the expectations of the assessment, and how parents can support their child's preparation for the assessment. Determination for the assessment is based on information the district receives on the home language survey during the student's initial enrollment. An initial ELPAC assessment is conducted either over the summer or in the beginning of fall. The summative assessment is an annual assessment that takes place in the spring.
We are including resources here that you may utilize as you further familiarize yourself with the assessment and assist your child's understanding. We will continue this conversation in the fall with our teachers and our EL community. Once we return from the summer break, we will provide you with the EL goal, ELD strategy, and the action steps that will be implemented to measure and monitor our work towards the established goal. We hope you find the resources beneficial. I would like to thank Pallavi for her dedication and time in serving as our ELAC representative.
Thank you,
Olinda's ELAC
Google folder with resources: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kNqmVPdhSp4oPls6ZZuRygqCV2gLJa0v
Family & Community Engagement
Office: 1108 Bissell Avenue
Richmond, CA 94801
Phone: (510) 307-4526
Family & Community Team Directory
Multilingual & Multicultural Services
Office: 1108 Bissell Ave, 115
Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: (510) 307-4590
M&M Team Directory
LaResha Martin,
Chief Academic Officer, Associate Superintendent Christi Roscigno,
Director of English Learner Achievment and Literacy