00:10:14 Omar Butler: I think I am also in as a attendee 00:10:19 Omar Butler: as well 00:22:06 Diana Diaz Noriega: Trustee Area 2 Application: https://www.wccusd.net/cms/lib/CA01001466/Centricity/Domain/3540/Trustee%20Area%202%20Application%20for%20Redistricting%20Commission%20SR635712xD9697.pdf 00:24:26 Craig Lazzeretti: are we using a timer for public comment tonight? 00:30:17 Diana Diaz Noriega: This link allows community to type in a home address and check what trustee area they are a part of: https://ndcresearch.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=fd53001ddd3741f996e3542e28b845d0 00:46:12 N. Hollander she/her: Can a representative of the commission present at a WCCUSD Board Meeting? 00:46:46 Vicki Gordon: Not sure we can- 01:04:49 N. Hollander she/her: Please continue to meet on Zoom. If the purpose of the commission is to restore the voice of the community, this opens the door for people like me with a job and children to take part 01:05:10 Vicki Gordon: Thank you 01:08:07 N. Hollander she/her: zoom also makes it possible for non-English speakers to maintain translation services 01:20:08 Vicki Gordon: Point well taken.